Initiative for healthy nature, rivers, and people.

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Do Not Blame the Water

The waterscape that I lived in between my graduation in mid-1980 and the present will be radically different from the waterscape that is likely to emerge between 2021 and 2050.

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Rethinking Transboundary Water Governance

In this reflective piece, Dr. Venkatesh Dutta presents the conception of multilevel water federalism as key to stimulate broader deliberations and scholarly inquiry relating to the transboundary water governance in South Asia. This conception, he suggests can help water, ecosystem, and communities re-emerge stronger and resilient.

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Weathering Ecological Disruptions

We need to begin narratives about the challenges that the new but degraded local riverine ecology across the India-Nepal border pose. Local communities across the border must come together to co-produce sustainable water solutions.

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The Increasing Heat: An Unfolding Disaster in South Asia

Ken MacClune and Atalie Pestalozzi write that heat (rising temperature and humidity combine) is an impending disaster for millions of South Asians. The effort to minimize irreversible impacts from this disaster must begin with dialogue for systemic actions than piecemeal and jerky responses.

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Holistic Approach for Integrated Water Governance

In this thought-provoking piece, Professor Bandyopadhyay suggests that a river is an integrated entity consisting of WEBS (water, energy, biodiversity and sediments) and that this collective is a direction future water professionals need to take.

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Water Challenges in South Asia

Reflecting on water challenges in South Asia for sustainable water solutions, Ajaya Dixit calls for greater dialogue and sharing of perspectives across sectors, disciplines, epistemologies, ontologies, geographic regions, and generations.

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