Initiative for healthy nature, rivers, and people.

Water Security

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The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Sector in Nepal: A Systemic Approach

According to data from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey conducted in Nepal in 2019, 95.4% of the Nepali population had access to a basic water supply , and 94.5% had improved sanitation . However, the coverage for safely managed drinking water and safely managed sanitation stood at just 19.1% and 61%, respectively.

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Water for All?

This case study highlights growing upstream-downstream contestations, unfair water distribution and limited say of women in drinking water systems in hills of Nepal. It is a short version of the chapter by the authors entitled “Applying a Climate Justice Framework to Understand Inequities in Urban Water Governance amid Climate Change Challenges in Nepal’ in the forthcoming book Environmental Justice in Nepal: Origins, Struggles, and Prospects.

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Neglected Necessity: Communal Taps in Urban Water Supply for (Peri -) Urban Poor

Ensuring fair and affordable access to safe drinking water is a primary objective of donor-funded large-scale urban water supply systems in Nepal. Unfortunately, the high installation costs associated with private taps have posed a threat to water accessibility to urban poor in peri-urban areas. The provision of communal taps has important implications for accessing water to households who cannot afford a private connection.

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SmartPaani: Rainwater Harvesting System as a Social Business Enterprise

SmartPaani’s journey provides useful lessons to Nepal’s policy makers and households about the role social business enterprise that practice fair business play in providing such services. Pursuing a fair business practice, SmartPaani will bring new perspectives and make the company a part of sustainable drinking water solutions in Nepal.

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